Lincomatic Circular Waveguide Calculator V1.1 (23:03:31) So to make an antenna optimized for Channel 6 using m圓.25' (82.55mm) diameter can, we would invoke it as follows: Let's go through an example using my calculator.

On the otherhand, my calculator lets you tune your antenna for maximum gain on a specificchannel this is handy if you want to use your antenna set up a permanent pointto point link. Greg Rehm's calculator fixes the operating frequency at Channel 6 (2437MHz),which is the center channel in the USA, giving the best tradeoff if you want tobuild a general purpose antenna which works across Channels 1-11. In addition, Adam Lesser has kindly supplied a binary forOS-X. It's available on my freesoftware page the archive contains both a Win32 console-mode EXE and fullsource code. The result is my own cantennacalculator program, which I wrote in in C++, based on formulae obtained fromthe ARRL Antenna Book. Finding his online cantenna calculator rather intriguing, I set out tofind the mathematical roots to his calculations. I will not go into the construction details, as they are very well documentedon Greg Rehm'ssite.

A dual-band microstrip patch antenna is developed for WiMAX/Wi-Fi wireless applications that operate at a minimum frequency of 2.4 GHz and a maximum frequency band of 3.5 GHz with its dimensions. The print was cleaned off with wire wool. Parts List A single-sided copper clad PCB sheet - I found a 20x10cm sheet with an incomplete circuit printed on it but not etched.

In this instructable we demonstrate how to build a simple but power double bi-quad WiFi antenna. All WiFi users are constantly wanting more powerful signals. After reading on how effective biquad antennas where for wifi, I'm experimenting with an 855.00mhz antenna designed for a truncked system 40+ miles north of my house (I'll build a yagi some day and see which one preforms best).