This will allow us to experience Webpack bundling code from multiple files. The app we are building will add numbers from two inputs together.Ī difference to the TypeScript code is that the add function has been extracted into a separate file. The starter project is a continuation from the last lesson. Webpack also has a handy development server capable of serving an HTML, JavaScript, and CSS app. If you wish to use babel to run WebPack, you must first install it locally in your project: npm install babel-core -save-dev. To use the server functionality you also need to install webpack-dev-server like so: npm install webpack-dev-server -g. Us to execute a single command to produce the build artifacts in a modern project. Use npm to install it globally by typing the following in a command line: npm install webpack -g. To transpile code and an ESLint plugin to check for code quality. Back to the terminal, we are going to run the Webpack. Of running plugins during the bundling process. In this Webpack 5 video tutorial, I’m going to show you how to install Webpack 5 and Webpack CLI.

Use to bundle all our JavaScript code into a single minified file. This will install the project dependencies.